About hotel White Tree, Saint-Petersburg
Terms of stay
Check-in | 14:00 |
Check-out | 12:00 |
Booking cancellation | If the booking is canceled less than 24 hours before the arrival date, a penalty will be charged in the amount of the reservation for the first night. |
The children and extra bed policy | Children under 6 years old can stay for free without providing an extra bed, we only charge for breakfast. |
Pets | Accommodation with animals, birds or reptiles is not allowed. |
Accepted credit cards | All calculations are made in rubles. Accepted cards: VISA, VISA Electron, MC, Master Card Electronic, Maestro. |
General hotel policies |
These rules establish the procedure for accommodation and provision of services at the White Tree Hotel (hereinafter referred to as the "Hotel"). 1. We ask you to observe the rules of accommodation and internal regulations, fire safety rules in the Hotel, as well as respect the guests staying in neighboring rooms and observe silence during the period from 23.00 to 07.00. 2. The hotel is intended for temporary residence of citizens for a period agreed with the Hotel administration. After the expiration of the agreed period, the resident is obliged to vacate the room. If you wish to extend your stay, you must inform the administrator of the reception and accommodation service no later than 2 hours before check—out time - 12:00 local time. The extension of the stay in the same room is possible only if there is no confirmed reservation for it in favor of third parties. 3. The working hours of the Hotel are round—the-clock. 4. The administration has the right to refuse accommodation to guests who are in a state of strong alcoholic or narcotic intoxication. 5. Check-in of citizens to the Hotel is carried out upon presentation of an identity document (passport of the Russian Federation; birth certificate (for persons under the age of 14); passport proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation (for a person permanently residing outside the Russian Federation); temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation; passport of a foreign a citizen; a document issued by a foreign state certifying the identity of a stateless person; a temporary residence permit of a stateless person; a residence permit of a stateless person; a refugee certificate, a migration card. Registration at the hotel of minors under the age of 18 is carried out on the basis of identity documents of their parents (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying person(s), a document certifying the authority of the accompanying person(s), as well as birth certificates of these minors and notarized power of attorney. In case of placement of a group of children, the head accompanying the group of children must have a power of attorney (consent) parents to accompany the child. A citizen is obliged to sign a registration card with a detailed registration of all the items in it in accordance with the data of identity documents. 6. Check-in at the Hotel is carried out from 14:00. 7. The administration has the right to evict the guest due to gross violation of public order, while it has the right to withhold payment for the canceled period of stay, but not more than three days. 8. In the absence of a guest at the place of residence for more than a day (or after 6 hours from the moment of his check-out time), the Hotel administration has the right to create a commission and evict the guest while making an inventory of the property in the room. 9. Payment for accommodation and services at the Hotel is carried out at free (contractual) prices, according to the price list approved by the Hotel management. Payment is made in rubles, in cash, by wire transfer under the booking agreement or using settlement (credit) cards. Check-in at the Hotel is made only after prepayment for the entire estimated period of stay. The final bill for the services rendered is issued upon the guest's departure. If the booking is made remotely using settlement (credit) the same payment (credit) card that was used at the time of booking must be presented at check-in. If this settlement (credit) card belongs to a third party, you will need to submit a scanned copy of it, as well as a written permission and a copy of the cardholder's passport. Otherwise, the prepayment will be refunded, and the accommodation fee will be charged in a different way. 10. Children up to and including 6 years old stay free of charge without providing an extra bed. 11. With guaranteed early arrival, payment is charged as follows: upon arrival before 5:00 a.m. — a full day of stay; upon arrival after 5:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. — for half a day of stay. For stays of no more than a day (24 hours), payment is charged per day regardless of the check-out time. Breakfast is included in the early check-in price (if the booking is at the "No breakfast" rate, breakfast is NOT included). 12. After 12:00, an unpaid place or room is considered free, if a guest is delayed at the Hotel, he will be charged in the following order from 12:00 to 18:00 — 25% of the cost of accommodation per day, from 18:00 to 23:59 – 50% (half) from the cost of accommodation per day, after 23:00 hours — payment for a full day of the room rate. 13. For staying guests, the entrance to the Hotel is carried out by a guest card. 14. When leaving the Hotel, the room key card must be handed over to the reception and accommodation service administrator. 15. At your request and with the permission of the Hotel administrator, visitors invited by you can stay in the room from 8:00 to 23:00. A visitor's entrance pass to the Hotel must be issued at the reception desk upon presentation of a visitor's identity document no later than 22:00 hours. In case of a delay of visitors in the guest's room after 23:00, these persons must be registered and registered to move into the guest's room or another available room, according to the price list approved by the Hotel. The resident guest is obliged to be responsible for the actions of the visitors invited to his room. In order to ensure security, the entrance gate to the hotel is closed from 23.00 to 07.00, to open the gate, you need to ring the bell to the left of the hotel gate. 16. It is prohibited to smoke in rooms, public toilets, corridors, halls of the Hotel in accordance with Federal Law No. 15–FZ of 02/23/2013. Smoking is allowed only in a designated area near the Hotel. If the fact of smoking in the room is detected by the hotel staff, the amount of 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles for additional room cleaning will be added to the account of the resident. 17. In case of your absence, no unauthorized persons should be in the room, it is forbidden to give them the room key card. 18. Do not leave valuables in the room. Keep valuables in the room safe. 19. Do not disturb the Hotel guests, observe silence and public order. After 23:00 h. mute the TV sound. 20. Accommodation with animals, birds, reptiles is not allowed in the Hotel. 21. It is forbidden to bring and store bulky items, explosive, flammable, toxic, narcotic materials and substances in the rooms. 22. When leaving the room, do not forget to close the taps, windows, and turn off all electrical appliances. 23. The hotel is not responsible for the work of city services (emergency shutdown of electrical and thermal energy, water supply). 24. If any problems are detected in the room systems, as well as poorly fixed sockets or switches, sparking in electrical appliances, we ask you to immediately inform the reception and accommodation service by the internal number 1111 "OK". 25. Conditions of the linen change regime: in all categories — 1 time in 3 days. 26. The Hotel has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of hotel services unilaterally or refuse to extend the period of stay, or evict the guest, in case the guest violates these rules of accommodation, late payment for Hotel services, causing material damage to the property of the Hotel by the guest. 27. The Hotel administration reserves the right to visit the room without the consent of the guest in case of smoke, fire, flooding, as well as in case of violation by the guest of these rules of accommodation and internal regulations, public order, the order of use of household appliances. 28. In case of complaints from guests, the Hotel administration takes all possible measures to resolve the conflict provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 29. The guest takes note and does not object to the fact of use in the premises of the hotel (with the exception of private rooms of guests and toilet cubicles) video surveillance systems. 30. These rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 (as amended. dated 18.07.2011) "On Consumer Rights Protection", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.11.2020 No. 1853 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" and other regulatory documents regulating legal relations in the provision of hotel and additional services. 31. In cases not provided for by these rules, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. |
Our details | Full name (in accordance with constituent documents) of the limited liability company "The Management Company INTEGRAMED" Abbreviated name (in accordance with the constituent documents), OOO "INTEGRAMED UK" Bin 1057811345240 Certificate on state registration Jur. entity series 78 # 005568825 from 05.07.2005, issued by Interdistrict Inspectorate of Federal tax service No. 15 for St. Petersburg. INN / KPP 7804318847 / 780401001 OKPO 77660304 The RCM 40334000 The full name of the Bank address of the Bank PJSC "BANK "SAINT-PETERSBURG" Account 40702 810 9070 3 0001048 Correspondent account 30101 810 9 0000 0000790 BIK 044030790 |